Question : Locking a Table?

How can I lock a Table in Access to prevent anyone else from using it?
And how can I check whether a Table is currently locked?

I would like to Lock a table before going into a Form in which I use this table in a Dropdown. I don't to prevent everyone else from using this while I'm in this form.

Answer : Locking a Table?

You can also use a recordset to prevent users accessing it while you have access t it.

In open form event

Dim dbs As Database, rst As Recordset
     Dim strSQL As String

     ' Return reference to current database.
     Set dbs = CurrentDb
     strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE [ShipCountry] = 'UK'"
'     Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strsql, dbOpenTable, dbDenyWrite, True)
     Debug.Print rst.RecordCount
     Set dbs = Nothing
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