Question : Search Barcode in Table After Scanned into Text Field

I need to search an indexed table for a barcode that is scanned into a text control.  If I use the interactiveChange event the event fires when the first digit of the barcode is captured.  I could use lostfocus but that means the user has to tab away from the text control.  What's the best way to approach this?  Again I just want to have a barcode captured to a text control and then have the it searched for.  All of the possible items associated with the scanned barcode are listed in a grid below the text control.  Once the barcode is scanned and if the search is successful then the row in the grid below should be highlighted.    

Answer : Search Barcode in Table After Scanned into Text Field

You can configure most bar code reader with a suffix. This will be be character that will be send after the barcode. So you can put your own suffix in the barcode reader and wait for that character in the keypress or interactivechange event.

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