Question : setup and deployment in vs 2005

visual studio 2005 trying to create a setup and deploy project for my application--

i need to run,automatically (as part of the installation), two batch files after the program is installed but i can't figure out how to do that

any assistance is, of course, appreciated

Answer : setup and deployment in vs 2005

Hello p_davis,

You need to create custom action in your deployment project and create installer class. Installer class would contain code for bat files execution. Custom action would call installer.
Here is walktrouh article in MSDN, which help you to  understood how to do it.
Walkthrough: Using a Custom Action to Display a Message at Installation

Instead of showing message in installer class you need to run .bat files. It would looking something like following for each file:

                ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo();
                info.FileName = "xxx.bat";
                //info.Arguments = //some arguments if needed
                info.CreateNoWindow = true;
                info.UseShellExecute = false;
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