Question : CHECK FOR EXISTENCE:lookup string in external db


I need to do the following:
scan dir
*check filenames
have good filenames appear in a listbox
*have bad filenames passed to a textbox
[be able to continue:still use the recordset of listbox.selected after user selects from (good) files in listbox.]

I have the rest of the functionality done, but the *check filenames and pass to textbox.  I know how to do this within pure vb, and within sql, but not in this scenario:
a directory includes files, files are scanned using dir batch, *filenames must be checked against an external databse in an exists/not exists style, listbox populates from dir batch with filenames that  match (exist) and filenames that don't match (not exists) are listed in a textbox.  a filename that doesn't exist should not halt the dir batch or the app, just list in the textbox.

Current Code with pseudocode where necessary:

Sub ListFiles_Enter()

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

    Dim strFileName As String
    Dim strFileList As String
    Dim strEmployee As String
    Dim strManager As String
    Dim strSales As String
    strFileName = Dir("C:\*.csv")
    'check filename    
*    compare strEmployee with Employee table in  C:\masterdb.mdb
  *  compare strManager with Manager table in C:\masterdb.mdb
    *compare strSales with SalesType table in C:\masterdb.mdb

      * 'Else 'if filename doesn't match, print out to a textbox on another form
      ' End If
    Do Until strFileName = ""
        strFileList = strFileList & strFileName & ";"
        strFileName = Dir
    ListFiles.RowSource = strFileList
End Sub

sample files:

Gilbert_Davison_upgrade.xls   (where Davison is not a manager name, sp.)


Answer : CHECK FOR EXISTENCE:lookup string in external db

Take a look at this.  requires all three to be a match

' Check for Valid Name in tables, add to "Good" list
            ' Check Employee table
            varEli = DLookup("[EAccount]", "tbl_ELAccount", "[EAccount]='" & strEmployee & "'")
            ' Check Manager table
            varManger = DLookup("[MAccount]", "tbl_MLAccount", "[MAccount]='" & strEmployee & "'")
            ' Check Sales Table
            varSalesType = DLookup("[SalesType]", "tbl_Sales", "[SalesType]='" & strType & "'")
            If "" & varEli <> "" And "" & varManger <> "" And "" & varSalesType <> "" Then ' Got one
                !GoodFile = True   ' Change the 'No' To 'Yes'
            End If
            ' Add data to the table
            !LastName = strEmployee
            !FirstName = strFirstName
            !SalesType = strType
            !FileName = strFileName
            .Update ' Save the record
            strFileName = Dir    ' Get next entry.
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