Question : How to start week on Monday using Lebans MonthCalendar?

I'm using Lebans MonthCalendar ( which by default has weeks starting on Sunday. Is there a way to make them start on Monday, so the week is Monday to Sunday instead of Sunday to Saturday?

Answer : How to start week on Monday using Lebans MonthCalendar?


It's not an ActiveX control, so it avoids all the OCX/DLL hell associated with ActiveX controls.  So no, it doesn't have a properties sheet.


Insert this line near the end of the Sub CreateDTPControl, just before the call to ReDraw:

Call apiSendMessage(m_hWndDTP, MCM_SETFIRSTDAYOFWEEK, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&)

The last argument indicated the day of the week: 0=Monday, 1=Tuesday, etc


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