Question : New DC Server 2008 Lots of Traffic

We just migrated all our DCs to Server 2008R2, still in Windows 2003 mode due to Exchange 2003.
We are seeing a lot more traffic then usual to and from the DC's to workstations and to each other.

I do not have RDC enabed on the DCs yet as I was under he impression that this only doog if you were in Windows Server 2008 mode across the Domain.

Any thoughts as to what could be generating all this traffic? Would I benefit from enabling RDC?


Answer : New DC Server 2008 Lots of Traffic

Specifically, what type of extra traffic are you seeing between the workstations and the servers?  While I would expect some overhead to exist until you move away from Windows 2003 mode, I wouldn't think it would necessarily be noticeable.

I don't believe enabling RDC will have any overall effect (depending on what type of extra traffic you are seeing).

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