Question : Excel 2007 Autosave


A user have been working on an excel file for 4 hours without saving, knowing that Autosave is set to save at every 10 minutes. She closed the spreadsheet without saving it. When we looked in the default folder, the autosaved file wasn't there. I gave it a search for .xls files on the computer, no luck. Is there anything else that I can try, maybe search for a different extension? What happen to the autosave? Do you have any idea why it didn't save the file at every 10 minutes?

Answer : Excel 2007 Autosave

I could be wrong on this but I thought the autosave only saved a temporary file and was used for recovery purposes if the program failed to close properly.  When the document is closed properly without error, then the temporary file is deleted as part of the clean up process.

If you know where the temporary file is saved, and you know what extension Excel 2007 uses for that file, then you may be able to do an undelete with some of the free software that is out on the net.  No guarantees this will work.
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