Question : default email account keeps changing back to exchange

i have a windows 2003 sbs server running exchange and outlook 2003 clients checking both an exchange account and several pop accounts. i want one of the pop accounts to be the default account but after i set that, log off and log on or reboot, the exchange account moves to the top and becomes the default account. this question has been asked before with no resolution. can anyone help?...these are laptop users.

thank you

Answer : default email account keeps changing back to exchange


How did you setup the client Outlook profile as the first place? Did you use the Wizard? I hate wizard unless I know exactly where it will bring me to.

Did you try to blow away the current profile and set it up manually? I have my home Outlook setup exactly the same way you were trying to do, and no problem at all. The only difference I noticed is, you are using SBS2003 whereas I am using Win2003 + Exchange 2003. Given the other post also mentioned SBS2003, I think it make sense to suspect that it's SBS related.
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