Question : Unable to Sync Outlook Calander Appointments that originat in Google Calander.

This is a question for for someone with really good knowledge of exchange, webdav and outlook.  I have started to use Google calander and have set it to sync both ways with outlook.  I have outlook with an exchange account (Exchange 2003).  The Google calendar syncs OK with Google but then the problems start.  The appointments that originate from Google calander do not sync with my mobile phone (activesync) nor are they visible in OWA.  I also have a custom program which syncs outlook calendar items with my companies calander using webdav.  The Items that originate from google calendar do not sync this way either.  I have used webdav to extract the appointments from the outlook calendar. An example item follows. the names of items are as per microsoft.  This item was entered in Google calendar and displays correctly in Outlook calendar but will not propogate to my mobile,OWA or my custom app.  The big question is the starttime and endtime.  As can be seen it has a date of 01-01-1980 and a time of 00:00, however it displays on the correct date and time in Outlook calendar. How can Outlook display it correctly when the starttime and endtime are clearly wrong.  Can anyone offer any thoughts on what is going on here.  Is this a case of Microsoft and Google collaborating with each other to prevent independant programmers intefacing with their products ? Is there a hidden procedure which is not published to the programming community ?
 Subject:       Test Event 1
 Location:      Enter in Google
 Start time:    1980-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
 End time:      1980-01-01T00:30:00.000Z
 Busy status:   BUSY
 Instance type: 0-Single appointment
 Duration:     3600

Answer : Unable to Sync Outlook Calander Appointments that originat in Google Calander.

I have got some info about what is happening here. It seems like sloppy programming by the Google programmers.  In Outlook calendar there are several fields as follows

PidLidAppointmetStartDate, PidLidAppointmentStartTime,PidLidAppointmentEndDate,PidLidAppointmentEndTime,PidLidAppointMentStartWhole and PidLidAppointmentEndWhole.  In the urn:schemas:calendar namespace there are only two of these fields surfaced urn:schemas:calendar:dtstart and urn:schemas:calendar:dtend.  When using WebDAV to create an appointment you populate the dtstart and dtend field with the appointment start time and appointment end time respectively.  These fields map onto the PidLidAppointmentStartDate and PidLidApointmentEndDate and Outlook fills in the other fields using the data supplied in these fields.  In the Appointments that originate from Google Calendar the PidLidAppointMentStartDate and PidLidAppointmentEnddate fields are set to 1980:01:01T00:00:00 and 1980:01:01T00:30:00 and the actual appointment start and end times are written directly to the PidLidAppointmentStartWhole and PidLidAppointmentEndWhole fields which allows Outlook to display them correctly but other apps which use the urn:schemas:calendar namespace fields cannot see this data so are unable to process the appointment properly.  This just looks like sloppy programming.  Why can't the Google developers just do what everyone else does and write the dates to the dtstart and dtend fields?
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