Question : DFS system deleting files?

I have a client who has 3 sites,  each with a 2003 server running DFS.  The DFS system is configured with one replication group which replicates live and two groups which replicated during the evening. The DFS systems are running the latest DFS hotfixes MS KB922972 and KB931685.

The issue is, users have reported files are randomly being deleted. At first I was sceptical and installed Windows Auditing to monitor file deletions on the 3 servers DFS paritions.  

The logs however somewhat support the users claims. For example a user had a Word document open, saved their changes and closed the file. The log shows the word temp file being deleted, with the users AD account details next to the deletion. However, 13 secs later the log reports the actual word document being deleted, but without any user credentials next to the deletion.

Here's an extract from the log:

Thu May 15 2008 16:14:38 "F:\Data\GBT\April 08\~$ge 0508.doc" deleted by DOMAIN\jtods
Thu May 15 2008 16:14:52 "F:\Data\GBT\April 08\~$ril 08.doc" deleted by DOMAIN\jtods
Thu May 15 2008 16:14:54 "F:\Data\GBT\To Be Filed\~$nouncement08.DOC" deleted by DOMAIN\jwadel
Thu May 15 2008 16:15:03 "F:\Data\GBT\April 08\april 08.doc" deleted
Thu May 15 2008 16:15:23 "F:\Data\GBT\April 08\~$blank.doc" deleted by DOMAIN\jtods

This is only one example, there have been instances of whole folders being deleted. The only common factor is all the files/folders deleted had recently been worked on prior to their deletion.

Has anyone any experience of similar issues?

Answer : DFS system deleting files?

We also have the same issues. I hope someone that knows how to fix it will come along. :)
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