Question : Select rows in one table that are  not in another table.

HI. I have a fairly simple problem that i cant work out. I have not slept in 2 days so i think my brain has stopped functining.

I have 2 tables
table 1, table 2
each table contains an Account_No column
table 1 has 7000 rows, table2 has 6000 rows

I would like ot display the 1000 account numbers that are not in Table2

My sql statment looks something like this..but is far from corrct..

select table1.acct_num from
where(select table2.acct_num from table2 where table1.acct_num <> table2.acct_num)

Answer : Select rows in one table that are  not in another table.

SELECT table1.[acct_num]
FROM table1 LEFT JOIN table2 ON table1.[acct_num] = table2.[acct_num]
WHERE (((table2.[acct_num]) Is Null));
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