Question : When establishing an ADO connection to a database, is it necessary to have a file path that is free of blank spaces?

Dear Experts,

When establishing an ADO connection to a database, is it necessary to have a file path that is free of blank spaces?

You can see that the name of my computer "S B" has a space in it. Does that matter? Should it be S_B?

I'm trying to rule out why my code doesn't want to connect to my database.

Thank you.
Code Snippet:
With remoteConnection
        .Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
        .Open "C:\Users\S B\Documents\Databases\Documents\Doc-U-TracADO_2009-12-23.accdb"

Answer : When establishing an ADO connection to a database, is it necessary to have a file path that is free of blank spaces?

The space is ok.
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