Question : Why does a Letter size print area on a worksheet refuse to print on one page or either scales it down

I wish to print a cover page exactly as it shows on the worksheet but Excel 2007 insists on printing it across multiple pages even if I have set the print area to fit inside a 'letter' sized page and it

If I create a dummy frame of exactly 8.5 in wide by 11 in high to drag over the area of my worksheet for example to test the fit as I'm creating my cover page and set my print area to an array of rows and columns which is adjusted to fit 8.5 in wide by 11 high, Excel shows me that my print boundaries are well inside my printer page size, regardless of what I set the page margins to (I have a printer which will do borderless printing if I wish).

I don't want to scale down a page which already fits well inside 8.5 in by 11in through the Page Setup Fit to 1 page wide by 1 page tall since this unecessarily shrinks everything as well as offets what was or should be proper object alignment on the page.

Any idea a) why this is happening and b) how to correct it?


Answer : Why does a Letter size print area on a worksheet refuse to print on one page or either scales it down

>If there is such a thing as a section in Excel, it it possible that the problems I'm experiencing are related to a page size being set in such a 'section' somewhere which overides the worksheet's and workbook's page size setting?

There is: it's the worksheet. But within a worksheet there is no concept of a "section".

I have done a number of tests and I can't get Excel to do anything even close to a reasonable layout. When I set my sheet to print in A4 and draw a rectangle exactly 8.3 by 11.7 inches it doesn't fit in on the printable page. If I shrink the image to fit the size is 7.88 by 11.15. That kind of makes sense because my printer cannot print closer than about .25 inches from the paper edge. When I print that image though the size is 7.25 by 10.5. I checked all my settings and nothing is being reduced. When I lay out a page in Adobe Acrobat the dimensions are close to perfect. I have to conclude that Excel is just plain bad at doing page layout with any reasonable accuracy.

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