Question : XP Pro SP3 boots to blank blue screen.

This is not a BSOD this is the default blue blackground at the press Ctrl+alt+del screen but without the press Ctrl+alt+del  dialog box.  Tried to boot to safe mode and F8 is not responding.  I am going to boot from a XP CD tomorrow and go into the recovery console.  Any other ideas?

Thank you all....

Answer : XP Pro SP3 boots to blank blue screen.

maybe spyware problems.

try creating a boot cd/disk and edit the registry remotely.
(if you feel comfortable with that.)

check out what is running upon startup under:

I usually click file/export
and export both of those keys somewhere (like c:\ )
and then delete out the items in those to see if something is stopping a full boot.

keep in mind, the Registry is VERY important to windows,  If messed up it can be a pain to fix if not impossible.  Do this only if your confident with working in it.
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