Question : I need to capture the output of the datagrid grdAttendees and record each Members Email Address.

I need to capture the output of the datagrid grdAttendees and record each Members Email Address.
I need to know what command& I should use and how to capture the email address as the datagrid loops thru its list of each records.
In my new procedure to be built...

Protected Sub OnEditCommand_click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

Need to build a stringbuilder of email addresses& here for each row of emails

End Sub

Attendees:  List of records

Name                         Email Address             Type          Cost   Remove
Dennis West         [email protected]   Member     $45.00 [Remove]
Jon wilkes             [email protected]            Member    $45.00 [Remove]
Mary  Adams         [email protected]      Member     $45.00 [Remove]

Attendees.ascx  (Note: see... what command should I use ????>) in email record

<%@ Control Language="vb" Codebehind="AttendeeList.ascx.vb" Inherits="i2Integration.Modules.EventReg.CustomControls.AttendeeList"
    AutoEventWireup="false" Explicit="true" %>
    EnableViewState="False" Visible="False" Text="No attendees found.">
    CellPadding="4" CellSpacing="0" AllowPaging="False" AllowSorting="False" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
    ShowHeader="True" ShowFooter="True" HeaderStyle-CssClass="SubHead" ItemStyle-CssClass="Normal"
    FooterStyle-CssClass="SubHead" FooterStyle-HorizontalAlign="Right"  
OnClick=what command should I use ????>
                    Visible="false" ReadOnly="True" />
                    ReadOnly="True" />
                    DataFormatString="{0:$#,##0.00}" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Right" FooterText="" />
                    Text="[Remove]" />

Answer : I need to capture the output of the datagrid grdAttendees and record each Members Email Address.

If you have 4 72 gig drives and only one Raid controller with the need for high performance and no need for redundacy.  I would suggest creating one logical Raid0 drive for the OS and Applications (72 Gig) using only 1 physical drive.   You can create a Raid0 drive only using one physical drive. Then I would suggest creating another logical RAID0 drive consisting of the remaning 3 72 gig drives.  This would would span the 72 gig drives into one logicial drive consisting of 216 gigs of storage.   If you are not concerned with redundancy or backup this would be the best solution for you.
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