Question : what is causing "too few parameters. Expect 1.

I am getting "Too Few Parameters. Expect 1" when I add a "where" clause to my SQL statement in my VB section.  

I works fine without it...but I need the "where" statement. I checked my table and the SALE_YEAR and SALE_LOCATION are fields in the table.

I am getting the error in this line
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strsql)

Here is the code:

Function AddTemp(saleyear As Single, salelocation As String)
'add settlement records to temp table
    MsgBox "Please Wait..."
    'Declare Variables
    Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
    Dim rstemp As DAO.Recordset
    Dim strsql As String
    Dim desc As String
    Dim amount As Long
    Dim hip As Double
    Dim Consignor As Double
    Dim partner As Double
    Dim closed As Double
    Dim check As Double
    Dim pdate As Date
    Dim tdate As Date
    Dim pcent As Double
    Dim price As Double
    strsql = "Select * from [Settlement] where ([settlement].[sale_year] = " & [saleyear] & " and [settlement].[Sale_location] = " & [salelocation] & ") order by [settlement].[ct_hip_no];"

'    strsql = "Select * from [Settlement] order by [settlement].[ct_hip_no];"

    'Initialize Variables
    Set db = CurrentDb()
    Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strsql)

    Set rstemp = db.OpenRecordset("TempSettlement")


Answer : what is causing "too few parameters. Expect 1.

strsql = "Select * from Settlement where sale_year = " & saleyear & " and Sale_location= " & salelocation & " order by ct_hip_no;"

The above assumes that sale_year and sale_location are numeric columns.  If they are text, then surround the passed value with single quote marks, like this:

strsql = "Select * from Settlement where sale_year = '" & saleyear & "' and Sale_location= '" & salelocation & "' order by ct_hip_no;"

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