Question : Active Directory removing default permissions on user objects

I have a Windows 2000 Network running Active Directory.  A few of the user objects are not accessible to users I have designated as Account Operators.  When I check the permissions of those account, the check box for Inherit from parent the permissions that apply to child not checked.  I hit the default button and check the above box to reset the permissions for that user object.  That lasts for a little while...and then all of a sudden I will get a call saying that that same account isn't accessible again...and sure enough...the permissions have changed and the check box for inheritance is unchecked.  I know that this is not being done manually...something in my AD setup is resetting those permissions.  I have no clue what or why.  If anybody can help...please help.  I am baffled!!!

Thank you.

Answer : Active Directory removing default permissions on user objects

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