Question : Is it possible (and practical) to move/import an existing blog into SharePoint?

My company will most likely be deploying Sharepoint 2007 or 2010 (MOSS) in 2010. We plan on creating an interal blog within MOSS once the server is up-and-running, but we just need to get a blog running in the meantime.

So here's my question: Is there a way to move blog posts from one of the popular Internet blog sites into Sharepoint for use in a blog? If it is possible, is the process practial? We don't have the expertise or time to spend creating scripts, etc.

Since we haven't yet chosen an interim blog site to use, I'm free to choose one that will make it easy to import data into MOSS.

Thanks for the help!

Answer : Is it possible (and practical) to move/import an existing blog into SharePoint?

Actually, the simplest approach I think would be to write the blog using Live Writer.  Publish it wherever you want in the meantime.  Then you can open each post in Live Writer, and publish it directly to SharePoint when it's ready.  Just a couple of click that way. This will also give you the chance to see what the post looks like before publishing.

I have to say, Live Writer is the bee knees when it comes to writing blogs in SharePoint!  It's very easy to use, and handles images quite easily--it autogenerates thumbnails, and makes the image clickable in the blog (to show it full size).  I've been telling all our internal bloggers about it, and they all love it (especially the non-techie bloggers).


Mike Sharp

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