Question : Small Business Server 2008 - TASK Scheduler Errors

I have noticed a large number of Task Scheduler errors in the event logs of this type:

Error 101
Task Scheduler failed to start "\User_Feed_Synchronization-{7741A33F-B005-4105-909D-E99CE921A2DE}" task for user "DOMAIN\User". Additional Data: Error Value: 2147943645

Error 311
Task Scheduler failed to start Task Engine "" process due to an error occurring in "LUAIsElevatedToken" . Command="taskeng.exe" . Additional Data: Error Value: 2147943645.

I also get lots of errors for task scheduler relating to User Feed Synchronisation, as I have no feeds set up on the SBS Server that I am aware of I don't get where these errors are coming from??

If anyone can tell me where to go to fix this I would be grateful as they are generating about 500 entries per day in the logs.

Martley, Near Worcester UK.

Answer : Small Business Server 2008 - TASK Scheduler Errors

internet explorer options/content/feeds and web slices/settings/ untick 'automatically check for feeds'


from an elevated command prompt run the following command

msfeedssync disable
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