Question : Importing and appending Excel worksheets into Access Project temporary table

I am trying to import an MS Excel spreadsheet into an Access Project (MS Access 2003) temporary table.  Since this is Access Project (adp) and not standard Access (mdb), the underlying database is a MS SQL Server 2000 and not  a MS Access Jet database.   My problem is that every time I do an import, I am left with an empty file.   If I import to a permanent table, I am able to return records.   Unfortunately, I cannot use permanent tables to solve to this import problem because only dbowners are allowed to create permanent tables in the database I need and I am not allowed to be a dbowner.   Are you allowed to import into from MS Excel spreadsheets into MS SQL Server by means of Access Project 2003, or is there a system feature of system bug that prevents this? The syntax that I use for the data import is:
                 strinputFileName = \\myserver\mydir\myexcel.xls
                 strSQL = "#Raw_GOOD_SERVICE_ID"
                 DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet , acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, strSQL, strInputFileName

If I were using an MS Access Jet database, the solution to this question would be trivial.  However, when you throw MS Access Project 2003 into the mix, the problem gets quite nasty.  I am will to convert my Excel file from Excel format to a text file if the solution requires it.   However, solving this problem using a file in XLS format will require either very creative thinking or perhaps a system patch.  I need a solution as quickly as possible because this is the only issue standing between me and the completion of a three month project.    Thank you in advance for your help.

Answer : Importing and appending Excel worksheets into Access Project temporary table

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