Question : Access 2003 - How to create a timeline report

Hello Everyone,

I think I am calling right, but I have a helpdesk database that has date and time a call came in.  Now I want to see how many calls came in between 8:00 am 12:00 pm  12:00 pm 5:00 pm.  I can create a query that will give me on time slot, but I want to see all the time slots.

Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to create this query?  Do I need to create a union query?



Answer : Access 2003 - How to create a timeline report

fld8to5:sum(iif([mytimefield] between #8:00:00 am# and #5:00:00 pm#,[mytimefield],0))

do one for each time slot, group by date
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