Question : Access 2003 the default printer become the fax,when my command button called fax is clicked?

Hi Experts,
I have a command button named fax (Access 2003), when this is clicked it will fax my report, but only if the default printer is set to fax. So I have to go into printers a and set the fax as default 1st.

Can I automate this procedure so it will always make the fax the default or is there another way to fax my report, with out having the fax be the default printer?


Answer : Access 2003 the default printer become the fax,when my command button called fax is clicked?

I get around that by making a table of parameters. Just as the user selects the fax printer from the Printers, they just update the table with that printer name

Code would be somthing like

Private Sub Command89_Click()

dim faxprinter as string

faxprinter = DLookup("[ParameterValue]","Parameters","[ParamterName] = 'faxprintername'")
Set Application.Printer = Application.Printers.Item(faxPrinter)

docmd.openreport "reportname"

Set.Application.Printer = Nothing

End Sub

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