Question : Web Account Login Problem

I have a pecular problem with a website account login.  Web site opens up showing that I am not signed in.  Upon entering the user name/password, there is no indication that the logon was successful.  Upon checking "My Account" it says I am not logged on and has a link to log on.  I click the link and it shows I am already logged on.  However the account info does not reflect the subscriptions that should be shown as active.  I would try to log out and start over, but there no log out available - only log on (as if I am not logged on).  When using the user name-password recover, the site sends a user name I have not used, but shows the correct password.  Here's the kicker - I can sign on successfully from another computer with not problem.  I have tried to delete cookies and posswords through Internet Explorer tools; also ran CCleaner.  Still have the same problem.  Need suggestions to somehow "sanitize" Internet Explorer to get rid of the apparently bogus log in.

Answer : Web Account Login Problem

I didn't see that you had tried these things.

What happens using another browser on the same computer (e.g. Firefox)?

What happens if you login as another user on that computer and go to the site using IE8?

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