Question : How to Deploy MS Access Application so multiple offsite users can update simultaneously

I have a sales database which i've been developing that will track sales opportunities of our salesforce.  The salesforce is obviously located in the field, and will rarely be in the main office.  They will therefore be updating their data from home (likely on a nightly basis).  I'm sure there will be many times when multiple salesmen will be trying to update at the same time.  I'm trying to figure out what the best way to implement this is.  I'm relatively new to Access and have not implement anything yet that needs updated by multiple people.

As far as remote access for the salesmen, they have two ways that they log on to our server.  For email, they log on to Outlook Web Access.  If they need access to our server or an office computer, we do that through Remote Web Workplace (SB Server 2003).  They have never really had the occasion to do much more than the Outlook Web Access until now.

Any help on how to implement this would be appreciated.  I guess the main thoughts/questions  i have are as follows:
1.  how do i properly account for the fact that multiple users may be trying to update or open the database at the same time?
2.  Do i need to worry about users corrupting the form or database?  is there anything i should do about that?
3.  Also, i've read a little bit that Access 2007 (which i am using) has some sort of e-mail update capabilities.  Not sure how robust this functionalitiy is and if it would work with a fairly complex input form that has multiple tabs and subforms.  If this is a viable possibility for me, i'd like to know if its the best way to pursue.

Anything else that i haven't thought about yet or didn't mention?

Answer : How to Deploy MS Access Application so multiple offsite users can update simultaneously

Remote Web Workplace is fine using SBS, but you'll need PC within the internal network to connect to (one per concurrent user).

Each PC will need a copy of Access installed (or at least a run time). The database MUST have a fornt end/ back end spilt (i.e. back end its the tables only, front end - the rest)You need a batch file or simple Access appn that grabs a master copy of the front end and copies it to the local drive. They work on this. Access' record locking should manage multiple users OK.

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