Question : How to use a Dataset in SSIS

Well - not too familiar to SSIS, so someone may find this question trivial:

I'm tretrieving data from Three different tables using MSSQL SSIS. It's one parent table and two child tables with zero to many child rows. The goal of the SSIS package is to produce an output file that looks like this:
parent-row, value1, value2
child1-row, value1, value2, value3, value4
child1-row, value1, value2, value3, value4

I have joined these three tables, now I have a recordset that retrieves all the rows with left outer joins..
My question is this: is there a way I can put this datastructure into a dataset component inside SSIS and then send these values onwards to a flatfile ?

Currently my solution parses the values form the joined recordset into an output using a script component containing the one row only. Using VB-script I add the fieldseparatiors there. It would be much more handy if I at lest could traverse a proper dataset keeping the parent/ child structure and retrieve the data from there.

Answer : How to use a Dataset in SSIS

Very good!
If I can help you tell me from here or send me an email!
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