Question : OWA Publishing over ISA

Hi, i m facing a problem while publishing OWA using ISA. i am using windows 2003 SBS.
Exchange 2003 and ISA 2000.
When i publish OWA using SSL, i cannot access it over the internet. it gives me error.
And when i publish it without SSL, it works fine and i can access it over the internet but the problem i faced is that Form base authentication does not work.
What I want is:
publish owa with or without SSL but it shud b accessible over the internet and the main issue is i shud have to use FBA.

Any one have any solution ? please help

Answer : OWA Publishing over ISA

To be honest I am not familiar with ISA2000 so I don't know how to disable FBA using it.
There is a guide on publishing Exchange 2003 with ISA 2000 here:

But for all intense and purposes if your not using SSL all you need to do is forward port 80 to your Exchange server and then turn on FBA as detailed above without SSL on the Exchange Server.
So you would just publish it as a normal website.
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