Question : MSAccess Link table problem
Dear All, In Windows Xp and office XP environment,I create the access file that contains two tables link to another two server's share folder name tab1 on \\SVA\fld1\db1.mdb, the other name tab2 on \\SVB\fld2\db2.mdb. I open this access file manually and could open those two tables. however,if i use the window's service to launch this access file,It could not be opened. I change the login user account from SYSTEM into domain administrator, It still could not work. everybody know how to setup access link table on domain environment? if i use the JAVA getroutime command to launch the ACCESS program,how did i assign the correct user profile? Thanks a lot.
Answer : MSAccess Link table problem
There can be no referential linking in an Access database. The linkage must be clear and straight. If your application is going to be intelligent enough to be able to detect which user is logging on and know what groups they're in and what privileges they have.
The privileges you are describing are separate and distinct matters.
It's not the process that's launching MSAccess that doesn't have authority unless you are talking about the file permissions in the folder where the mdbs are located. Here EVERYONE should have FULL permissions if they are going to make use of an mdb file. (Folder/File Rights)
Is the database project and files you are working with secured using Access security also?