Question : cannot run (without crashing) an originally 32-bit application in 64-bit environment
The Visual Studio 2008 Visual C sharp project was created in a 32-bit version of Vista Premim no problem.
Have upgraded the o/s to Windows 7 64-bit.
The issue appears to be the .ocx libarary. This is a 32-bit 3rd party compile / build.
In order to have VS2008 compile -- I needed to install the .ocx a slightly different way in order to have registered in memory (see by VS2008 referencing libarary).
cd \windows\syswow64
regsvr32 C:\my3rdPartyOCX.ocx
(get a registered ok prompt box confirming registerd ok)
i..e. force an initial register (on my development system) to utilise the wow64 compatibility for setting up .ocx libraries.
The original Windows WinForm project compiles -- just that when I run the application ... and get to the WinForm that use the .ocx library, the system crashes and indicates that the library is not registered.
Have changed within VS2008 the Compile configuration settings from any cpu to x86 -- including the installer project build configs.
Any further thoughts on a solution to this are very much apprieated :-)
Answer : cannot run (without crashing) an originally 32-bit application in 64-bit environment
Have you set the platform target in vs 2008 project?
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