Question : DHCP on Multiple domains

Hi All

I have recently joined a new place and found that they are NOT running DHCP .
Around 600 users, yes I know :-).

I've decided to setup DHCP.

We have 5 domains 3 of which is on a separate subnet BUT 2 of them is sharing a subnet.
We also running exchange 2007 and all domain controllers are Windows Server 2008.

Whats the best way of going about this with regards to the 2 domains that is sharing a subnet?
What should I take into consideration?
What are the risks?

please let me know should you need additional information.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.


Answer : DHCP on Multiple domains

> and will look at the SOA of the domain they belong to??

They'll only need that if they're updating DNS directly, not via DHCP.

They'll need to be able to resolve host names and service records for the "other" domain via the DNS servers they use. If a trust is in place that kind of name resolution is already likely to be functional.

You can test that:

nslookup -q=srv

Should give you a list of Global Catalog servers for

You're not really missing anything other than testing to make sure. It's quite a simple system really :)

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