Question : MS Access - How do I show and hide Full Menus by VBA?

I use keyboard commands to open a hidden form which has buttons that either show or hide the database window.

Private Sub HideDB_Click()
With DoCmd
.SelectObject acTable, "", True
.RunCommand acCmdWindowHide
End With
End Sub

Private Sub ShowDB_Click()
DoCmd.SelectObject acTable, "", True
End Sub

I would like to add buttons that also show and hide the full menus versus the "default minimum menu" or Non-Full Menu (I don't know what Access calls it).

I tried DoCmd.acToolbarYes and acToolbarNo but that didn't work.

Thanks for your help with this.

Answer : MS Access - How do I show and hide Full Menus by VBA?

I can't see why you shouldn't be able to do it from a click.

To hide everything try running a loop

For i = 1 To CommandBars.Count
    Application.CommandBars(i).Visible = False
Next i

I believe the main one is called "Menu Bar"

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