Question : Unable to synchronize with Active Sync using a Pocket PC

When attempting to synchronize a Sprint Pocket PC (PPC 6700SP running MS Windows mobile version 5.0) Smart Phone with Exchange Server 2003, I get the following error message:

Your account in Microsoft Exchange server does not have permission to synchronize with your current settings.  Contact your exchange server administrator.

Support Code: 0x8501004

After rebooting the Pocket PC the error message changed to:

The security certificate on the server is invalid.  Contact your Exchange server administrator or ISP to install a valid certificate on the server.  

Support Code:  0x80072F0D

All mobile services are enabled in the user account and mobile services are enabled in Exchange.  Exchange is running on a Windows 2003 server that is a member server.  This has never been operational, but is rather new functionality that we wish to roll out.  It is not localized to one user account, but is experienced by all users that we have tried to set up.

Answer : Unable to synchronize with Active Sync using a Pocket PC

You misunderstood what I meant by my question... let me clarify.

Is the certificate in question a home grown certificate or a certificate that you have purchased? If it is the former, have you imported the certificate to the device? If it is the latter, who issued the certificate.
Exchange Active Sync uses the same web site as OWA, ActiveSync is a sub folder of the OMA folder. Odd that you get the OWA login page - you should get a user name and password prompt then a text based version of OWA suitable for display on a small screen.

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