Question : Slow rending of Reporting server reports in firefox


I have created several reports in SQL Server Reporting Services.

I have run a particulart report in Internet Explorer and it takes seconds to render.
However, when I run exactly the same report in Firefox it takes around a minute.

I have searched the internet on this matter and have found the following:

"Remove the overflow-x:hidden from the HTML or CSS then a report renders OK in Firefox 2.0.12

Even better, the report renders over 10x FASTER!


However, after searching all css style sheets under:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.3\Reporting Services\ReportManager
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.3\Reporting Services\ReportServer

I can not find any reference to '.r11' or anywehere where it says 'overflow-x:hidden'.

I also can't find any reference material to tell me where to locate the style .r11

I hope someone can help me in finding this style and/or speeding up the rendering of reports in firefox.

Thanks very much for your time.

Answer : Slow rending of Reporting server reports in firefox

I posted a message on the Microsoft and a developer from Microsoft says that they have improved the Firefox performance in Reporting Services 2008. Since we are in the process of upgrading to SQL Server 2008 and so the Reporting will be getting upgraded, I've decided to what until that's completed and see what happens with 2008 on.

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