Question : Help with recordsets

I have a tab control with several pages and each page contains a subform.  I would like to display the recordcount of the subform in the tabcontrol page caption, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it correctly.

I am using this code:

 Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset

    Set db = currentdb()
    Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("T_ITEM_NBR_LINKS", dbOpenDynaset)
        rst.FindFirst "ITEM_NBR = " &
        If rst.NoMatch Then
        Me.TabCtl48.Pages(6).Visible = True
        Me.TabCtl48.Pages(6).Caption = "links (0)"
        Me.TabCtl48.Pages(6).Visible = True
        Me.TabCtl48.Pages(6).Caption = "links (" & rst.RecordCount & ")"
        End If
But I get a links (965) caption, which is all of the records in the table.
How can I drill down to only those links pertaining to the ITEM_NBR that is on the form field '' ?


Answer : Help with recordsets

change this

 Me.TabCtl48.Pages(6).Caption = "links (" & rst.RecordCount & ")"


 Me.TabCtl48.Pages(6).Caption = "links (" & me.[nameofsubform].form.recordsetclone.RecordCount & ")"
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