Question : OWA -  "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" After Login Prompt

SBS 2003. Everything in OWA was working fine untl last week. Not using SSL. No Updates or config changes were made. Here is what I have discovered so far.....

If I goto it asks me to login and then I get the error: "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage"

However, If I then goto it asks me to login again and then gives me an error: "A System error has occurred while processing your request. Please try again. If the problem persists, contact your administrator."

I then go back to the and refresh the page and my OWA works???

Does this spark any ideas?

Answer : OWA -  "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" After Login Prompt

you have to uncheck the "anonymous access" from all exchange feature : OWA, OMA and RPC in the IIS.

then you have to create the exchange-oma directory in the IIS and in "authenticated access" select "integrated windows authentication" and "basic authentication". in the default domain type ( \ ) without bracket.

in the exchange and OMA directory in the IIS only select "basic authentication".

then you have to uncheck the option "require secure channel SSL" from the exchange-oma and OMA directory in IIS.

also, you have to know that may be my IIS directory name is not the same as your IIS. but they all mean the same thing
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