Question : popup modal form
Hi EE,
a) Want to display a popup modal form that waits for user to type in signon and password.
b) Am superimposing the modal form on top of a "main menu" form.
c) The main form seems to (incorrectly for my taste) be the active form....
would like the modal form to be active with the focus set to the first field which is the
sign on id.
d) below is a screen shot
e) code snippet:
main form's open event:
If Len(pg_strSignOnId) = 0 Then
DoCmd.OpenForm ("FRM_LogIn")
End If
modal form's open event:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.SetFocus <---- this idea does not seem to activate the modal form
End Sub
Your ideas are appreciated, tx, sandra
Answer : popup modal form
Try this:
DoCmd.OpenForm ("FRM_LogIn"),,,,,acDialog
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