Question : Access Secruity.

I would like to set up secruity on Access 97.  I understand that the secruity settings are stored on system.mdw of access correct?  The problem I have is that everyone at work has Access installed in each of thier computers.  I would like to setup groups to allow users to have access to some function within Access and not to others. So how do I do this?  We have NT 3.51 server.  Win NT 4.0 and Win 95 clients on our network, every user running Access 97.
Where do I set up restrictions to tables etc to each indivudual or group within Access?

Answer : Access Secruity.

Set all your permission under menu Tools->Security->User And Group Permissions.

Set permission for your user group not per user.

Assign user member to each group.

Open a shared directory on your server.

Put your system.mdw file into that directory.

Have every of your client map to that directory.

Use Workgroup administrator at every client to link to that system.mdw in the server and you are all set.
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