Question : Unable to query for computers in the network - Windows SBS 2008 Console

Hello. We've recently migrated from SBS 2003 to SBS 2008 and it went rather smoothly. Originally, when in the SBS Console, under Network -> Computers, it listed all of the network computers. Recently, though, I noticed that this is no longer the case and that it simply displays "Unable to query for computers in the network." for both client and server computers. Refreshing accomplishes nothing. The "Fix My Network" applet under Connectivity shows no errors. Much time spent Googling and searching Microsoft's website yields nothing relating specifically to this issue.

Everything else appears to be working fine aside from having to remove and rejoin some computers to the domain, and I think these two issues may be related. I can't shake the uneasy feeling that despite everything appearing to work well otherwise, this points to an underlying problem waiting to wreak havoc on my network.

Thank you for your assistance.

Answer : Unable to query for computers in the network - Windows SBS 2008 Console

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