Question : ASP.NET Session Resetting when New Browser Openned

I am trying to have my site keep a constant session that is active between visits to the site (and, if I set cookieless=false like it is right now it changes on EVERY page refresh).  I know this requires cookies but I cannot get the session ID to configure to work correctly so it is not resetting itself between visits.  All it takes is navigating away and then coming back and the sessionID has completely changed.  I have tried MANY different configurations.  The current is in the code below.  I also put the sessionID printing on the home page at the site of (still in development) so you can see how it changes.  How can I get that sessionID to stay there and not change when you leave and come back?  I really want IIS to handle this so I can the items in a persons cart there between visits.  

Code Snippet:

Answer : ASP.NET Session Resetting when New Browser Openned

OK, now it is very much clear. But your intention of "State Management" cannot accomplish using "Sessions". What you have to use is "Profiles" (in ASP.NET). Just googling the "Profiles in ASP.NET" and find more about it

Meanwhile check this as well:

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