Question : SQL code conversion for Microsoft Access 2007
Hello: I need help to convert the standard SQL code below for a MS Access 2007 database. Thank you!
f.Volume_in_Eaches -
decode(f.Prod_Code, c.Cannibal_Prod1_Code, Cannibal_Prod1_Vol_Ea, 0) -
decode(f.Prod_Code, c.Cannibal_Prod2_Code, Cannibal_Prod2_Vol_Ea, 0) -
decode(f.Prod_Code, c.Cannibal_Prod3_Code, Cannibal_Prod3_Vol_Ea, 0) -
decode(f.Prod_Code, c.Cannibal_Prod4_Code, Cannibal_Prod4_Vol_Ea, 0) -
decode(f.Prod_Code, c.Cannibal_Prod5_Code, Cannibal_Prod5_Vol_Ea, 0) as NetVolume
tblForecast f
left outer join tblCannibal c
f.Prod_Year = c.Prod_Year and
f.Proc_Code = c.Prod_Code and
f.Reg_Code = c.Reg_Code;
Answer : SQL code conversion for Microsoft Access 2007
Decode is similar to IIF:
IIF(Expression to evaluate, Truepart, Falsepart)
You can also nest IIFs:
IIF("Something", DoThis, IIF("Somethingelse", Dothis, Elsedo this))
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