Question : I need to make a MSN bot
I need to make a MSN bot that is capable of sending messages.. changing its display picture.. and accepting contacts.
I had one made that used DotMSN.. but it recently stopped working, and every DotMSN example I've downloaded also no longer works
It connects to the server, but seems to stop there...
I think this info that is supposed to not be edited has changed on MSN server side
ntID = "
[email protected]
"; //do not edit
ntCode = "Q1P7W2E4J9R8U3S5"; //do not edit
Does anyone know of any good MSN SDKs? or a solution to my DotMSN problem?
Answer : I need to make a MSN bot
dotMSN component is not updating after 2006. hence you try using any other latest library
Microsoft is providing the MSN activity SDK take a look at it it can provide you with some features.
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