Question : Custom serialization with XMLSerializer in .NET

I have a class that I am serialising in .NET using the XMLSerializer class. I have 3 classes defined:

Public Class ManagerExposures
    ")> _
    Public Version As String

    Public Managers As List(Of ManagerRiskExposure)

    Public Sub New()
        Managers = New List(Of ManagerRiskExposure)
    End Sub
End Class

", IsNullable:=False)> _
Public Class ManagerRiskExposure
    Public Name As String

    ration_timestamp")> _
    Public ReportDate As String

    Public Code As String

    ity")> _
    Public Liquidity As List(Of PositionExposure)
End Class

n_Exposure", IsNullable:=False)> _
Public Class PositionExposure
    ategoryid")> _
    Public InvestmentCategoryId As Long

    Public Name As String

    Public ShortExposure As Double

    Public LongExposure As Double

    Public NetExposure As Double

    Public GrossExposure As Double

    ")> _
    Public RiskAbsolute As Double

    Public TotalGrossExposure As Double
End Class
In the PositionExposure class, I have specified that i want the elements to appear with 'Position_Exposure'. However, when I view the serialised file, they always appear as PositionExposure.

Any ideas on why this is happening, and how I can correct it?


Answer : Custom serialization with XMLSerializer in .NET

change XmlRoot("Position_Exposure")> _
XmlType("Position_Exposure")> _
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