Question : You don't have the license required to use this ActiveX control.
Can you help on this one?
Access Problem
User was trying to write a PDF to an access field and got the error: You don't have the license required to use this ActiveX control. You tried to open a form containing an OLE object or an ActiveX control or you tried to create an ActiveX control. To obtain the appropriate licnse, contact the company that provides the licensed OLE object or ActiveX control.
What does this error mean?
Answer : You don't have the license required to use this ActiveX control.
Basically, you don't have a license! If you purchase a control, then you should have a license. Some free controls give you a license. HOWEVER, some controls you have a license for are not properly registered or you are missing a .lic file.
If you merely copy an active X control that requires a license, it won't work -- you have to run the setup program. Sometimes just reinstalling works.
Microsoft has more info at http://www.microsoft.com (use the search function).