Question : How to prevent the auto update within an Acces 2007 template


I am attempting to utilize the inbuilt 'project management' template within access 2007 and build upon it.  Within the form 'Project Details', I've created a copy of the form and have included a 'cancel button'. How do i prevent the form from updating the database table for project details when a project title is created and thus creating an Id automatically?  Its still using 'Record Source' and Recordset Type' as 'dynaset'?  

Answer : How to prevent the auto update within an Acces 2007 template

If your macro for the save is named btnSave_Click, the syntax would be like this:
         DoCmd.RunMacro "btnSave_Click"
If you are running it as an embedded macro, see

please provide more details as to what "doesn't work" means.......didn't compile? didn"t execute? error messages?

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