Question : How do I use validation in WPF
How do I write this code?
Text="{Binding Data.Description,
// This is my question: ValidationRules syntax
ource FieldCantBeNull},
ElementName=window, Mode=OneWay}" />
FieldCantBeNull is a ValidationRule. How is written if I use two validations in the same TextBox? I want to know write in a single line.
This format is the Blend format. Is there a way to write the ValidationRule automaticaly in Blend? I found hwo to write a Converter by not a Validator.
Marco Castro
Answer : How do I use validation in WPF
Isn't it possible to write this code in a single line? In this format:
Text="{Binding Data.Description,
ValidationRules={...I don´t know what comes here....},
ElementName=window, Mode=OneWay}"
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