Question : internet browser bring up a white page.. no error..
i have a toshiba satellite L355 laptop with Vista Home Premium SP1 32 bit OS.
when i try to browse the Net using iExplorer, all it does is bring up a wihte screen.. NO WORDS, NO ERROR... JUST white.
i noticed the bottom left hand of the window said instead of
i did the winsoc reset in CMD as admin and rebooted and still same issue.
i tried to set the homepage as google, but still same result.
wierd thing bout this is... i can log in as the Guest account, and i have no issues, just under the other user i cannot navigate the web.
i can PING
and get a reply so i know i have an IP and do have net access.
Answer : internet browser bring up a white page.. no error..
Check to see if you have a Proxy setup under that user.... IE - tools - internet options - connections - lan settings.
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