Question : Aceess 2002 SQL Query question... accumulation by group by sequence

Aceess 2002 SQL Query question.... putting together a scheduling module for an ERP system.... I have individual job orders and a stated amount of run time for each order... the user will then place each order on a production line (1-16) and then assign it a sequence on that line (1 through infinitiy) what I'd like to do is to create a column in the query that automatically updates the total accumulated time for each order on that line as a sequence is changed.... for example:

Orginal Seq

Order     Line    Seq     Time to Run    Accum Time
A            1         1           2                  2
B             1         2           3                 5
C             1         3          2                  7
D            2         1           4                 4
E            2         2           3                 7
F            2        3            6                13

Updated Seq

Order     Line    Seq     Time to Run    Accum Time
A            1        2           2                  5
B            1         1           3                 3
C            1         3          2                  7
D            2         3           4                 13
E            2         2           3                  9
F            2        1            6                  6

The orders may not be currently sorted in sequence or line order for that matter.

Answer : Aceess 2002 SQL Query question... accumulation by group by sequence

I see.  So does the user have a Form to do his updates or does he open this Query, datasheet view opens, and he just starts typing?
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