Question : Why do I get an access denied error when I try to view the files inside the folder redirect folders?

I have one server running SBS and 10 workstations connected to the domain.  I recently setup folder redirects. Everything seemed like it was going well on the first 6 computers but then on the 7th computer I ran into the following issues.  One, when I checked on ws #7 to verify the My Docs was redirected to \\server\data ect...  it did not show that it was.  It was still saying c:\\docs and settings\users ect...    So at this point I went to the server to see if that users documents were actually on the server even though it didnt' look like it from the workstation.  A folder with his name had been created in the redirect folder on the server.  I tried to open it but it gave me an access denied error.  This prompted me to try and open the other user folders that had been successfully created by the folder redirect configuration and I recieved the same access denied error for all of them.  Why does it say access denied when I try to view the redirected files on the server?  I'm logged on as Administrator.  How can I get around this so I have access to view them when I'm sitting at the server.  I'll figure out the ws #7 not showing the files as being redirected later.  Thanks.

Answer : Why do I get an access denied error when I try to view the files inside the folder redirect folders?

You have checked "Grant the user exclusive rights to redirected folder" on the GPO.  With this checked, Administrators cannot get into this folder without taking ownership.

To check whether the Vista machine does redirect folder to server or not, do not use the Administrator account. Instead, use the problematic user and type \\server\share\username to verify.

Hope this helps!
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