Question : How to Launch an application after a VS Setup & Deployment project has "Finished" ?

How to configure a Setup & Deployment project to run one of the just installed applications AFTER the Installer class's "Commit" method?

The best results I have gotten is by putting:  System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(..) inside the public override void Commit(IDictionary savedState) method.

BUT this launches BEFORE the "End" series of dialogs !  Very sloppy! C'mon, Microsoft!

So I've tried to use the Dispose, Destructor, and Finalize methods, but these don't seem to get called at all.  ((Does that make sense?))

Actually, I like to have the very common functionality of a "Launch ABC Application now? on the End / "Finished" dialog, but that seems impossible.  So instead I'm trying to use a CheckBox dialog in the User Interface for setting a CHECKBOXA1 type property that I conceivably can get and if checked run that app.  

So far I can't get seem to get those properties.

Appreciate your insights and solutions !

Answer : How to Launch an application after a VS Setup & Deployment project has "Finished" ?

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