Question : Access 2007 - Data Entry Property is not working within a subform.

I have a 2003 database that I am just started to open using Access 2007.  The main form consists of a subform for data entry of project notes.  When I open the main form the note subform opens correctly as a data entry format (where there is no records are shown).  When I click on the next record of the main form, the subform's data entry property stops working and shows the first project note record associated to the main form.  It was working perfect on 2003, I have not no changes since I opened it on 2007.  Any ideas?

(I hope I explained it clearly, ask me more questions if I did not.)

Answer : Access 2007 - Data Entry Property is not working within a subform.


I got it figured out. If the main form has a value set for the Order By property, then the Data Entry setting will not work on the subform.  (See Figure 1 attached).  I'm not sure why this behavior is acting this way, is this a possible bug A2007?  (We have been running it with a Order By setting for 1-2 years in A2003.)

I removed the entry in the Order By property on the main form and it started working fine.


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