Question : MS Access SQL Inserting string value that contain a colon


I'm trying insert / update value containing a colon from
The field in the access 2003 db is type of string

and the value im trying to insert  myval = 88:93
i keep getting an exception = can not convert to double

        Public Shared Sub UpdateDeviceDATA(ByVal GearWeelBefore As String, ByVal GearWeelAfter As String)  

_sSql = "UPDATE DeviceMeters SET " & _
"GearWeelBefore = '" & GearWeelBefore & "' , GearWeelAfter = '" & GearWeelAfter & "' Where DeviceID = '" & DeviceID & "' "
        End Sub

what i am missing

Answer : MS Access SQL Inserting string value that contain a colon

Because your code is not in Code area, it is difficult to see the use of quotes. Here is a query i would use in such a scenario

_sSql = "Update [DeviceMeters] Set [GearWeelBefore] = '" & Gvalue1 & "', [GearWeelAfter]='" & Gvalue2 & "' Where [DeviceID] = '" & dID & "'"
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